Fully 3D Woven Sneaker Developed At RISD


RISD Associate Professor Brooks Hagan worked with recent grads Claire Harvey and Emily Holtzman to create this fully 3D-woven shoe.

Associate Professor of Textiles Brooks Hagan MFA 02 TX and Steve Marschner, a computer science professor at Cornell, continue to push the bounds of digital fabrication. From creating the virtual loom Weft to a “library of [3D woven] tendencies,” their Virtual Textiles Research Group (VTRG) is actively expanding knowledge in the field. Consider Weavecraft, open-source design tool developed by the VTRG (with hard-coding and UI implementation by computer scientists from Cornell and Stanford). Benefitting from the specialized resources of the Rhode Island-based company TEAM, the research group has figured out how to weave an athletic shoe on a loom—a feat Hagan sees as “a real triumph.” Additionally, the group’s research on fiber and yarn simulation has also led to a multiyear partnership with the sporting goods brand Under Armour.” – RISD.edu

For a more in-depth break down of the process, and what the future of 3D weaving holds, head to RISD’s website, here.